Showing posts with label HOME. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HOME. Show all posts


    Consumerism is the act of acquiring goods and services that are beyond our needs or financial capabilities for the sake of superficial perception of success. It is the unnecessary and excessive consumption of goods that supposedly prioritises the consumer's needs and strengthens our economy. It has both pros and cons but its cons definitely outweigh its advantages.
        The concept of consumerism has been adopted globally. Conspicuous consumption has been normalised and idolised by the world so much so that it has started to cause an economic crisis, which is the opposite of its ideology. Despite its disadvantages it has been on the rise and even more so in the past few years. 
The cause of consumerism and its increase
  1. Advertisements are one of the main driving forces behind consumerism. They are a key factor in pushing consumers to make decisions. Even if a person is not interested in purchasing any goods or services, advertisements can spark curiosity which leads to impulse buying. If a person has gained interest, then advertisements can encourage a person to make a purchase.
  1. The false perception of success brought by conspicuous consumption has caused people to forget about their needs and indulge in the falsehood. People tend to forget their realities for the fear of missing out, and the joy of catching up with people.
  1. Social media is undoubtedly one of the major factors promoting consumerism. Especially since social media takes so much user data which is used for targeted advertisements. The main purpose of social media is to advertise and earn ad revenue.
  1. Life style inflation is another reason for the steady rise of consumerism in the recent years. It happens when the things that an individual used to perceive as luxury becomes a necessity.
Effects of consumerism 
  1. Consumerism is a huge problem for the environment. It involves using an excessive amount of energy and resources for producing goods that are beyond our needs. It is one of the leading sources of carbon emissions due to processes involved like manufacturing and transporting. It also produces a lot of excess waste, which is concerning for the environment.
  1. It creates issues between people and their financial freedom. The constant influence of social media influences people to keep up with trends and gadgets while risking their own financial stability.
  1. It promotes materialism in our society with creates burden for our societal relations. It is harmful for our society.
How to control it?
  1. The first step that we need to take to become a conscious consumer is to ask ourselves a few questions. When we are about to buy impulsively, we need to ask ourselves, do we really need it or was it a fleeting urge? will it be used more than twice before being forgotten? And did you truly want it or you were influenced into buying it?
  1. If you were influenced into buying it then you need to remember about who is truly benefiting from your purchase. Is it you or the influencers and companies that benefit from your purchase.
  1. We should always prioritise practicality over appearance. 
  1. We need to make small adjustments in our lifestyle and, adopt accordingly to gradually get used to it.
    I would like to remind everyone that sometimes, purchasing goods and services for our happiness is completely fine. The problem arises when we cannot control our urges and our financial stability. We should be able to identify between our wants and needs, and make clear plans to become financially stable. It's a step we have to take for our and our environment's  prosperity.


Nagarkot is a former Village Development Committee.It is located in Nepal in Bhaktapur district in the Bagmati Zone.It is considered as one of the most scenic spots in Bhaktapur District.It is known for a sunrise view of the Himalayas including Mount Everest as well as other peaks of the Himalayan range of eastern Nepal.The scenic beauty of the place makes it a very popular hiking route for tourists.It is located approximately 7000ft above sea level and 28 km from Kathmandu International Airport.

Nagarkot commands one of the broadest views of the Himalayas in the Kathmandu valley.The ranges include Annapurna range,Manaslu range,Ganesh Himal range,Langtang range, and Numbur range etc with views of the Kathmandu valley and Shivapuri National Park.A river named sali nadi is on the way to Nagarkot. There are many pine trees on the way to Nagarkot. There are many hotels and resorts in the Nagarkot.The place Nagarkot is rich in  fiber and wood which we get from the plants and trees.

I was going Nagarkot with my friends,teachers and my principal.I was very excited.My sister and aunt came to drop me in the school.It was a fun trip.It was not a long destiny from Lalitpur to Bhaktapur.After reaching Bhaktapur we explored sali nadi and went to Swastani Mata temple after exploring these places we went in a restaurant named Dh Chief's.We were going to do trekking but beacuse of the weather condition it rained so we didn't went for trekking,we went to our buses.It was late so we went in a resort named Niva Niwa,we had our snacks in the resort after having the snacks we went for walk.After the walk we went back to the resort,we changed our clothes and had our dinner,then me and my friend went to our room and slept.The next day,we woke up at 5 a.m to see the sunrise .It was a beautiful experience of watching that beautiful sunrise view.We went for morning walk after coming back from walk ,we came back to our resort and had our breakfast after having the breakfast we went to our buses.We went in a place called Mohan Pokhari.We had a fun time there,we were playing in the water.We changed our clothes because they were wet, then we went back to the buses.We went to Thimi and had our lunch ,we saw people making different kinds of pots and utensils from mud.We came back in our buses to come back to Kathmandu.It was a wonderful time with my friends,teachers and principal.

                                                     ๐Ÿ’"IT IS A BEAUTIFUL PLACE"๐Ÿ’


Pokhara is a metropolis and the larges city of Nepal in terms of area.It is the provincial capital of Province number 4 ,headquarter of Gandaki zone and Kaski district.It is located 200 kilometers west of the capital kathmandu. Occupying an area of 464.24 km,it is nine times larger than kathmandu,18 times larger than Lalitpur and 2.5 times larger than Bharatpur.The altitude varies from 827 metres in the southern part to 1,740 metres in the north.The Annapurna and Manaslu is within 15-35 miles of the valley.Due to its proximity to the Annapurna mountain range ,the city is a base for trekkers undertaking the Annapurna Circuit through the Annapurna Conservation Area region of the Annapurna ranges in the Himalayas.The mayor of Mayor Mr.Man Bahadur GC and deputy mayor Ms.Manju Gurung.It is the home to many gorkha soldiers.It is the most expensive city in the country,with a cost-of-living index of 150 and the most expensive place in Nepal after Namche Bazaar.In terms of population,and is often referred to as the tourism capital of Nepal.The people living here have ethnicities of Gurung,Bahun,Chhetri,Khas Nepali,Magar and Newar.The people ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜living here follow religions like Hinduism and Buddhism etc.The places in pokhara to visit are very beautiful.These places are fulled with tourists.The place like Phewa Lake is very beautiful in the middle of this lake there is a temple, the name of the temple is Barahi Mandir.It is the most touristic area.The next famous place is Shanti Stupa in Pokhara it is a Buddhist pagoda -style monument.This is located on the Ananda hill.It is the Shrine build as symbol of peace.This stupa adds more beauty to Pokhara valley.It is a perfect holiday place providing a clear view of the Himalayan range,Phewa lake and Pokhara city.The next famous place in Pokhara is Mahendra gufa this gufa is 1100 metres above sea level this gufa attracts 1000 of tourists.
During these travel I was feeling excited because I was travelling with my parents after long period of time.This travelling was not just to have fun it was also a quality time for me to spend with my parents.I had a quality time with my parents.I experienced that the people of Pokhara are very friendly and helpful.The traveltime from Kathmandu to Baglung and Baglung to Pokhara was a full of excitement though I was feeling sick I enjoyed alot. During these travel we had a lot experience of natural beauty. Pokhara is rich in its natural beauty .I was feeling great the day we went to Pokhara we had lot of fun in our hotel with my father,mother and sister,the second day we went to different places to visit and we had a lot of fun there we visited more than 5 places and in the same day we returned back to Kathmandu we arrived Kathmandu at 10 o'clock.During this travel we saw that the tourists are attracted toward pokhara because of its being rich in natural beauty.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


My mother

She has taught me to always try my best,to treat everyone equally,to not give up when things get hard.When I make decisions and she doesn't always agree with them ,she makes sure that I know that she is behind me all the way because she wants me to always be happy.She has taught me right from wrong and the significance of self-respect.

She is my mother,the greatest influence in my life.Not only as a mom but also as a friend.Her name is Ranjita Thapa Magar. She is very beautiful and kind hearten lady.I am very lucky that i have my mother but not so lucky than others that I can spend my time with my mother. My mother is always very good to me and so valuable that sometimes I feel like I have no words to describe her.The love I have for her is like a rose of eterinty;it will never die,but unlike a rose ,it will prick not only through my heart and soul.My mother,for whom I have a very deep respect in my heart ,has a most hard working nature.

                                              "I LOVE YOU MOTHER AND MISS YOU ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’"
                                                     Hope to meet you very soon.๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ˜—๐Ÿ’˜


The various branches of creative activity,such as painting,music ,literature,and dance.The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination,typically in visual form such as painting or sculpture,producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.Art is the journey of a free soul.Art has the power to transform,to illuminate,to educate ,inspire and motivate.Art is as natural as sunshine and as vital as nourishment.Art is not what you see,but what you make others see.Art is one of those things we simply must do so that our spirits may grow."Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known."Art brings imagination to life.Art is how we decorate our space.A world without art is the world without hopes and dreams.The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.As your heart improves so does the lives of others .Believe in your art and everyone will.Art speaks where words are unable to explain.Art has no rules.Art is your feelings flowing in a river of imagination.Art is about paying attention.Art is when you hear a knocking from your soul and you answer.Art is something that makes you breathe with a different kind of happiness.

                                                            ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’›


Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past,present,and future .Time is free,but it's priceless.You can't own it,but you can use it.You can't keep it ,but you can spend it.Once you've lost it,you can never get it back.

Time has a wonderful way of showing us and what really matters.Time is what we most want most but what we use worst.Time is the most valuable coin in your life.You and you alone will determine how that coin will be spent.Be careful that you do not let other people spend it for you.Time is more valuable than money.You can get more money,but you cannot get more time.Take time to do what makes you soul happy.Don't waste your time.Looking back on what you've lost.Move on,for life is not meant to be travelled backwards.Time is not measured by clocks but by moments.It's not about "having"time.It's about making time.Time is so valuable that if you pay millions of gold coins,you cannot get back even a moment.We all make time for what we feel is important in your lives.Life teaches us to make good use of time,while time uses the value of life.



Life is the period between birth and death,or the experience,or the state of being alive.Life is not about finding yourself.Life is about creating yourself.To change your life ,you need to change your priorities.If you want to live a happy life,tie it to a goal not to people or objects.Life is like a camera you focus on what's important,capture the good times.Develop from the negative and if things don't work out take another shot.

In life you'll realize that there is a purpose for every person you meet.Some are there to test you,some will use you,some will teach you,and some will bring out the best in you.Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง.Life is like riding a bicycle .To keep your balance ,you must keep moving.Always wrong persons teach the right lessons of life.Life always offers you second chance it's called tomorrow.Life is so much brighter ๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜when we focus on what truly matters.Life's better when you're laughing.Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.Life has no remote,get up and change it yourself.Change your thinking and it will change your life.

Live the life you want to live,never be ashamed of anything.Make decisions.Make mistakes.If you fall,at least you fell because you tried .No regrets.It's life.

                  "๐Ÿ’ LIVE YOUR LIFE HAPPILY๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ"

Child rights

Children are small and tender.They depend on their elders.Every childs future depends on their care facilities  and opportunities he/she gets during his/her childhood.Children should get their rights no matter if a child is rich or poor,is strong or weak,has parents or is an orphan .

Ever child should get the following rights
Right to food.
Right to shelter.
Right to education. 
Right to clothes.
Right to entertainment and relaxation.
Right to health facilities ,etc.

Children have certain duties as well the duties are as follows
Respecting elders
Obeying and listening elders
Loving,caring and teaching younger ones.
Taking care of personal hygiene,etc.

Some children are lucky because they get to perform their duties and they get their rights.While most of the children have to work to earn their daily bread.If a child does not get their rights we should do the following things
We should approach elder for help.
We should approach other agencies for help like VDC(Village development community)or UNICEF(United Nations International Children Emergency fund)etc.

We all should do our best to help all children of the world to get their rights.

Gai jatra

Gai jatra ,the festival (gai means holy cow and jatra means festival in Nepali). It is the festival celebrated in Nepal ,mainly in Kathmandu valley by the Newar and Tharu community.The festivel commemorates (to remember officially and give respect to a great person or event)the death of people during the year.

During the festival,cows are marched in the streets and generally celebrated in the month of Bhadra(August_September).It falls on the 1st day of the dark fortnight of Gunla according to the Nepal Era calendar.The festival of cow is one of the most famous festivals of Nepal.It is celebrated to remove the sadness of death of their family members.The whole complex of Gai Jatra festival has its roots in the ancient ages when people feared and worshiped Yamaraj,the god of death.The Gai Jatra festival entered the tradition in the medieval period of Nepal during the reign(the period of a rule of a monarch)of the Malla Kings.The present form of Gai Jatra is a happy blending of antiquity and the medieval era.According to the traditions since time immemorial(originating in the distant past),every family who has lost one relative during the past year must participate in a procession through the streets of Kathmandu leading a cow.If a cow is unavailable then a young boy dressed as a cow is considered a fair substitute(a person or thing acting or serving place of another).It is believed that the cow,revered(respect or admire someone or something) as a holy animal by Hindus,will help the deceased(dead)relatives journey to heaven.

According to the historical evidence,when King Pratap Malla lost his son,his wife,the queen,remained grief stricken.The king was very sad to see the condition of his beloved queen.The king,in spite of several efforts,could not lessen the grief of his wife.He desperately wanted to see a little smile on the lips of his sweetheart,and so he announced that anyone who made the queen laugh would be rewarded adequately.During the festival of Gaijatra,the cow procession was broght before the grief stricken(suffering from the effects of something unpleasant) queen.Then the participants began ridiculing and be fooling the important people of the society.Finally,when the social injustices and other evils were highlighted and attacked mercilessly(having no mercy),the queen could not help but smile .The queen cried and the king instituted a tradition of including funny jokes,satire(a way of criticizing people or ideas in a humorous way)monkey and lagoons into the Gai Jatra celebrating day.After the procession is over,in the afternoon,nearly everyone takes part in another age old tradition in which the participants dress up and wear masks.The occasion is filled with songs and jokes. Gaijatra is a healthy festival which enables the people to accept the reality of death and to prepare themselves for life after death.

According to Hinduism,"whatever a man does in his life is a preparation leading to a good life after death".♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


Memories are some information that we store with us forever.It is the ability to remember bones.Memories are the past that tell our story .Loving memories never die as year rolls on and days pass by.In our hearts๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• a memory is kept,of ones we loved and will never forget.The best thing about memories is making them.  

Memories are priceless,you can always make more money.but you cannot always make more memories.Memories are timeless treasures of the heart๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•.Happiness is not something ready made.It comes from your own actions.Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚.No matter what happens some memories can never be replaced.Some memories are unforgettable,remaining ever vivid and heartwarming๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ.We do not remember days we remember memories๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™.A good life is a collection of happy memories.Life brings tears,smiles and memories.The tears die,the smiles fade, but the memories last forever.๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ™‚.Happiness๐Ÿ™‚ is making memories.Friend may not last forever but memories last forever.

Make memories because the moments that you spend with that people may not be forever with you .

Our Dreams

Dream is something that all of us need to have.It is our vision.Dream is what you want to do for your future .

Everyone has dreams .Whether they want to become a scientist and discover new and amazing things ,or become a star basket ball player and be the highest paid player in the league,people dream about the future .I have dreams for the future just like everyone else.

I hope to make my family proud of me and enter into a good university.I also wish to work hard and prove to myself that I am capable of so much.My dream is to be a doctor .I know it is not simple but I know I can achieve it.

We should work hard to make our dreams come true.


Tigers are wild animals.The tiger is the largest cat spices .The scientific name of tiger is Panthera tigris. Tigers are carnivorous animals.There lifespan is of 20-26 years.

The tiger is the national animal of Bangladesh,India,Malaysia and South Korea.Tigers have the pattern of dark vertical stripes  on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside .They appear on many flags,coats of arms ,and as mascots for sporting teams.Tigers have powerful  muscular body,large heads and long tails.The mass of the male tiger is 90-310 kg(Adult),mass of the female tiger is 65-170 kg(Adult).Tigers are decreasing day by day for their beautiful skins.Sometimes tigers breed with lions and give birth to hybrids to known as Tigons and Ligers.The species is classified in the genus panthera with the lion,leopard and snow leopard .Some tigers may eat up to 50 pounds(23 kilograms)of meat a day.

The tiger is a unique animal which plays a pivotal(importance in relation to the development or success of something else) role in the health and diversity of an ecosystem.So, tigers should be saved.


School is the place where we get education about everything here we are taught to differentiate between right and wrong way,right and wrong things.It is an institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of students under the direction of teachers.A school environment offers students the opportunity to learn to work with others.

My school name is Ideal Model Higher Secondary School.It was established in 2048 B.S(1991A.D).It is located at Jhamsikhel,lalitpur.It has a big basketball ground,stage,hall,garden ,toilet and a canteen,etc.It has every facilities like education ,transportation,etc.There are more than 1000 students,staffs,teachers,etc.There is a big library,computer lab and science lab etc.Every morning our school conducts morning assembly where all the students and teachers are gathered.In every occasions our school conducts program such as Children's day,teacher's day and many different occasions.

I love my school .School may be hard but we are going to miss it when it ends.


Shark!It is a word which frightens swimmers and surfers all over the world.Many people think that the sea is full of dangerous creatures like sharks.They think that the sea is full of dangerous creatures like the sharks.They think all sharks attack humans.

But most types of sharks do not attack people.There are more than three hundred and fifty different varieties of sharks.Strangely enough,the most harmless sharks are usually the largest!
The basking shark,the whale shark,the hammered shark,the goblin shark and the megamouth sharks are all harmless.Only about four sharks are very dangerous to humans.They are the great white shark,the tiger shark,the bull shark and white-tip reef shark.The largest known shark lived more than 16 million years ago but is now extinct .It is called the Megalodon shark.It was more than twenty meters in length .The largest shark around today is the whale shark,which is whale shark,which is about twelve meters in length .Sharks have been around for about 400 million years.That means there were sharks in the oceans long before dinosaurs walked on the earth!Sharks are such good survivors that they have changed very little in the last 120 million years.Sharks eat fish, seals and other sea animals .They find their food by sight ,sound and smell .Sharks, like cats,have very good eyesight.They can hunt easily in clear or murky(dark and dirty)water.They can also hear very well in the water and they can smell food hundreds of meters away.

There are only about seventy-five shark attacks in the world each year.And only about ten people are killed by sharks .But each year,people kill millions of sharks because shark meat is considered a delicacy(a dish that everybody enjoys but is generally very expensive) in some countries.


Flowers are very beautiful.Flowers are of many different colours. We can make perfume with good smelling flowers.Every country has its own national flower.We can plant every good looking and good smelling flowers in our garden so that our garden looks good and smells good.We can buy fake flowers to decorate our house for festivals,marriage ceremony and for our rooms to make it look beautiful,etc.
There are many flowers like:jasmine,rose,lily,rhododendron,sunflower,daisy,poppy,narcissus,marigold,orchid,lotus and hibiscus etc.

The juice of flowers can be used to make honey by honey bees.Flowers are not just for decorating our houses it can be used to decorate our environment where we can grow different and beautiful flowers.Flowers are too much attractive .Everybody gets attracted towards the flowers even the loungers ,adults and older. Flowers are of different colors ,types and different shapes and sizes.

I love flowers just not their smell because of the attraction of the mixture of colors in them.My favorite flowers are rose and orchid.A

Land pollution in kathmandu

Environmental pollution is an undesirable change in the physical,chemical or biological characteristics of air,water,land and sound that may have adverse effects on life and survival of living beings.

Deterioration in the quality of land due to addition of unwanted physical and chemical substances is called land pollution.There are different causes,effects and management of land pollution some of them are.
Different causes of land pollution in Kathmandu are:
1. Continous production of the same type of agricultural crops.
2. Harmful wastes released froom industries and factories.
3. Nuclear explosions,etc.

Different effects of land pollution in Kathmandu are:
1.Polluted land produces bad smell that spreads in the surrounding and creates unhealthy environment.
2.More accumulation of solid wastes on land lower to quality and pollutes the water which also destroys the aquatic life.
3.If land is polluted due to chemical poison and feltilizer it destoys the living creatures of land and agricultural products also become poisonus.

Different management of land pollutions in Kathmandu are:
1.Education and awareness and compaign through mass media about the ill effects of land pollution in massive scale.
2.Proper disposal and management of non-biodegradable wastes.
3.Discourage the use of nuclear weapons and explosive.

Story book

Story books are liked by everyone.Stories are of different topics like animals such as tiger,lion,elephant,of different plants such as  rose,sunflower,jasmine etc and very different and interesting topics.

Some stories are real while some are imaginary.Summaries are the short form of stories.Stories are very much interesting many of the children are excited on story books more than study books of school.Stories are printed in computers.There are many stories such as bed time stories,evening time stories,etc.Story books are found everywhere in the world.Story books cover and itself the story is very attractive towards the children.Story books are never boring.If a person is feeling bored and if they read the story book they will not feel bore.Story books are of different languages like ;Nepali,English,Chinese and Japanese etc.

Different story books gives different morals to children.I love reading story books.


Peacock is India's national bird.It is very beautiful.It has a big and beautiful tail.It has many colour in its body.It has two eyes,two legs,two wings and a beak.It is a bird but it can't fly.

  Peacock's be very happy when it rains and they start to dance .We can find peacock's in zoo,jungles and forests.I love peacock's.Some peacock's are white and a little bit black coloured and some are blue and green coloured.Peacock's have lifespan of 10-25 years .The term peacock is properly reserved for the male,  the female is known as peahen.Peacock's are forest birds that nest on the ground ,but roost[a place where bird's rest at night] in trees.Peacock's are beautiful bird's people are very attracted to them .Many people visit to zoo,jungles and forests just to see peacock's and their baeutiful feathers and lovely dance.

  I love to watch peacock dance they are one of my favourite bird because it has beautiful combination of colours and lovely feathers.


Chocolates are very famous all over the world.It is liked by both children and adults.It gives sweetning taste to our mouth,it makes us happy when we are sad .It is a delicious product enjoyed whether children or older.It is a great foundation that keeps us joyful especially children.

Chocolates are of different shapes,sizes and feelings.Chocolates are of different companies like hersheys,kitkat,twix and snickers etc.All these chocolates have different flavours and feelings.Chocolates are even gifted as presents for parties and festivals etc.Chocolates are made from different things such as cocoa powder,sugar etc.Eating chocolates have both advantages and disadvantages.
       Some of its advantages are:
   It lowers cholestrol.
   It may prevent memory decline.
   Eating chocolate during pregnancy might benefit fetal growth and development.
       Some of its disadvantages are:
   It contains high saturated fat.
   High sugar content.
   Low in vitamins and minerals.
      Eating chocolates is good but we should eat chocolate by knowing its advantages and disadvantages.Chocolates can never be hated those who hate chocolates they don't know what is sweet.Chocolates are very tasty.Chocolates attracts children but the wrapper also attracts them.