
Memories are some information that we store with us forever.It is the ability to remember bones.Memories are the past that tell our story .Loving memories never die as year rolls on and days pass by.In our hearts💕💕💕 a memory is kept,of ones we loved and will never forget.The best thing about memories is making them.  

Memories are priceless,you can always make more money.but you cannot always make more memories.Memories are timeless treasures of the heart💕💕💕.Happiness is not something ready made.It comes from your own actions.Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory🙂🙂.No matter what happens some memories can never be replaced.Some memories are unforgettable,remaining ever vivid and heartwarming💜💜💜.We do not remember days we remember memories💙💙.A good life is a collection of happy memories.Life brings tears,smiles and memories.The tears die,the smiles fade, but the memories last forever.💕🙂.Happiness🙂 is making memories.Friend may not last forever but memories last forever.

Make memories because the moments that you spend with that people may not be forever with you .

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